Musings of an UN-professional..

August 02, 2011

Doorknob Friends - Tina Madsen Hair Design

I love getting together with friends who are self-starters - it's fun and energizing to exchange ideas.  Here and there I plan to feature some of those friends who are are doin' their own thing and loving it. This time around, I'm giving a nod to my friend Tina Madsen. Tina has been specializing in all things hair since 1996 and has owned her own salon business since 2005. She's running a ridiculously great sale right now that I had to share.

I've been a loyal client of Tina's since 2007 when I first came to her for hair extension services. Hair extensions are how celebrities go from bob cuts to perfectly full back-length hair in what seems like a few weeks. I first became familiar with them while living in Dallas, TX  (now I know where the big hair comes from) and had them put in as a treat for my wedding. I enjoyed them so much that I've allowed myself the occasional splurge since then. Yes, they are indeed a that gives me the case of the mumbles when my husband asks how much they were, but I digress. Every girl has that thing, and for me it's the thrill of insta-supermodel hair.

Anyway, Tina is offering an unprecedented 50% off of extensions for the entire month of August - If you've ever contemplated them, and you're in or near the Madison, WI area, now is the time.

You can reach Tina for a consultation at (608) 212-6177 or  (By the way, she has uber-convenient late hours for those of you working traditional office hours).

For those interested in the process and other FAQs, read on below.

After  - 21 " of bliss : )

Q: What type of extensions do you recommend?
There are two basic types of extensions. Wefts are what looks more like layers or sheets of hair attached to a braid that is braided into your own hair. for many hair types, wefts can look unnatural. Individual extensions are tiny groups of individual hair strands bonded together at the top. They're approximately the size of a shoe string. Tina uses individual extensions. In the picture above I have ~225 individual extensions attached all around my head from about eye level down to the bottom of my neck. This is how the hair looks so blended. (Have you ever looked at a Barbie's hair - it's applied nearly the same way - small groups of strands placed evenly across the head).

Q: So, how do you "install" extensions?
Each extension has a bond at one end. Using heat, it's bonded around a small group of your own hair strands. The heat part sounds scary, but it's not.sticky It's NOT like glue and will not stick to it when ready to be removed.

Q: How do I know the hair will match?
Prior to getting them in, Tina will see you for  a consultation where your hair will be matched against oodles of available colors - in the picture above, I'm wearing 3 different colors that are blended to match my natural highlights and color varations in my own hair. A custom combination of colors will be ordered for you. I usually go natural, but she has pink, red and a ton of other funky color if you're looking to add a wild streak without the commitment or damage involved with dying your hair a bright color. (Shipping takes about a week, so plan for that when booking your appointments).

Q: How long does it take?
If you are going for a "full head" putting them in takes about 4-5 hours, depending the length and thickness of your own hair and the desired length when you're finished (and how much chatting and wine drinking may be involved). If you're looking to add just a splash of color to your natural hair, application doesn't take longer than an hour.

Q: How much do they cost?
I plead the 5th… and don't tell your husband. Prices vary depending on how much hair you'll be adding.

Q: Is it human hair? Horse hair? Synthetic?
Sorry Mr. Ed. Tina uses 100% human hair (most often it's from India or Northern Europe). It's like a hair translplant, but not really. It's not gross, I swear. All hair is professionally processed prior to shipping.

Q: Can you swim with extensions? What about heat, curlers, etc.
Yep, you can live life as usual including swimming*, washing, flat-ironing, brushing, wearing pony tails, etc.  You CAN color hair extensions although getting highlights is not recommended as the hair has already been processed. I usually get my hair colored just before putting them in, if I'm going to do it, and have the hair matched to that.
* I've learned that saltwater tends to cause more tangles and I recommend putting hair up in a bun to prevent knotting. Not a problem if you live in Wisconsin.

Q: Will my real hair break?
No, not any more than usual if you take good care of them (or unless your natural hair is over-processed and weak, in which case Tina will probably recommend you come back later). When you comb/brush your natural hair, strands come loose on the comb. The same thing happens when you wear extensions. It's normal for a few (2-3) to fall out while you're wearing them. Occasionally, a bond won't be as strong as the others.

Q: How long do they last?
They last up to 6 months depending on your hair type. I have very fine hair that tends to tangle, so I usually leave them in for about 4 months, as they are more prone to tangles the longer they grow out.

Q: How do they come out ? Do I have to cut my hair?
No, silly. No cutting involved, although you'll likley want a trim if your hair has been growing for 4-6 months. The bonds are broken using a special formula sprayed on the hair. This releases them from your own hair and they slide off.


  1. Oh my goodness! I never knew how they worked- this was really interesting. Incidentally, should someone be able to look that good in the after AND the before pictures?

  2. Hi Prude - what flattery (thanks). Yes, it is quite an interesting process.

  3. this is sandy from china best wigs, we are the largest human hair products supplier in china. All the hair types waiting for your choice, wigs, wefts, closures and the frontals are all the bestsellers of our company.All the hair we offer is the 100% human virgin hair with all the cuticle goes into the same direction, tangle free and no shedding. We do not add any synthetic fiber and non-human hair in it; we do not mix the short hair to save the cost that is our quality guarantee.


Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once. ~ Lillian Dickson